A Muslim Charity Organization
For how long should we fold our arms in akimbo and allow muslims to be deluded and converted from the fold of al-Islam on account of sickness, poverty and other vicissitudes of life: For how long should we allow the brotherhood of Islam be eroded all because a Muslim in need finds none to assist when it matters most ! If a friend in need is a friend indeed, then much more should be expected from believers who are brothers of one another!
To Allah be the glory, we have been endowed with material and immaterial resources; intelligence, sound health, optimism, wealth, certificates, influence and dignity, just to mention a few. It is therefore incumbent upon us to utilize these enormous resources to cater for the relatively less endowed. This in appreciation of Allah’s countless favours on us and attempt at passing the …
To Allah be the glory, we have been endowed with material and immaterial resources; intelligence, sound health, optimism, wealth, certificates, influence and dignity, just to mention a few. It is therefore incumbent upon us to utilize these enormous resources to cater for the relatively less endowed. This in appreciation of Allah’s countless favours on us and attempt at passing the …
Awake Oh Muslim! this is a call to action. What approach should then be employed in carrying out this enormous task? Allah has the best answer “Surely Allah loves those who struggle in His cause in rows ( coordinated manner), as if they were a solid structure” (Qur’an 61:4).This led to the birth of Al-Ansor Trust Fund (ATF). A non-governmental organization that …
Awake Oh Muslim! this is a call to action. What approach should then be employed in carrying out this enormous task? Allah has the best answer “Surely Allah loves those who struggle in His cause in rows ( coordinated manner), as if they were a solid structure” (Qur’an 61:4).This led to the birth of Al-Ansor Trust Fund (ATF). A non-governmental organization that …
ATF Annual Surgical outreach 2021
See how we are reaching millions of people all over the world and helping.
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See how we are reaching millions of people all over the world and helping.
Free Medical and Surgical Outreach including cervical cancer screening, eye...